The OWF school continues its excellent service with the challenge of Sri Lanka’s economic and political crisis

Since January of this year, Sri Lanka’s economy crisis is getting worse day-by-day, after eliminating the COVID-19 pandemic situation which affected severely for every life since past two years. Even though, the people of Sri Lanka again struggle to find their basic needs and daily essentials for their family and facing terrible financial difficulties with the price hike of every essential needs as well as inconveniences of lacking gas and fuel for their daily routine. While facing in this unfortunate situation, all the children have been facing serious bad effects for their studies in depriving the rights of education due to most government schools throughout the country were affected by the general strikes and protest campaigns which were organized by several trade unions in the country. In the midst of this, a month old non-violent protest of the youth is still continuing.

In these backdrops, for the year 2022 the school commenced on 3rd January with new aspirations, all the academic activities continue up to date as the COVID-19 restrictions are easing for the first time in Sri Lanka. The school could organize several activities for first term of this year in celebrating the Sinhala and Tamil new year by gathering all the pre-school children and teachers as well as the other academic activities which scheduled for the first term. The chief director, foreign supporters and the all the other OWF staff attended in these events by motivating and wishing to new year with new hopes to become true and prosperity for all in the country. Several cultural and ritual events were organized on the day and all enjoyed the celebration and gifts pack were distributed among the children for the new year. The principal, the manager and all the unit coordinators of the school reiterated that plans are head to continue the school without making break because the education is the most important social development in which to give priority to help at this juncture to heal and ease people’s social and economic condition to success their life for the future. Chief director Prof. Kathrin Messner emphasized that her endeavor is to facilitate and support at her best to facilitate and continue the school with the support of the other generous people in the world.

The schools shows the considerable improvement of students participation for the year as follows.

The following table and chart show the number of students who continue the school in the year 2022:


published 06/13/2024
written by m.boeck